aneo solutions

Guarantee of quality is your desire - it is our goal!

Why choose us?

Prikaz rooftop klima uređaja
Prikaz rooftop klima uređaja
Podrska timovima
Podrska timovima
Cjelodnevna raspolozivost
Cjelodnevna raspolozivost
Long-term experience
Supporting teams

Knowledge acquired through work in renowned companies, continuous education, and keeping up with innovations.

Monitoring and supervision of work execution and commissioning of your projects.

Availability of services 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Ministry of Physical Planning, Construction and State Assets

Some of our clients

We closely collaborate with renowned names such as:

Some of our services

Servis i montaza sustava na objektima
Servis i montaza sustava na objektima
Service/installation of systems in buildings
Emergency interventions 24/7
Server room cooling